So it's 2014 already! 2013 has been an amazing year and has flown by. As every year comes around we all make New Years resolutions so here are a few things I want to achieve this year.
1. Explore the world
I have now found a travel buddy and couldn't be more excited about planning my travels.
2. Be happy
This year I want to do things for me and just live for the moment.
3. Land my dream job
Whilst I do love my current job, it would be amazing to get an internship or job within fashion in London.
4. Buy a car
Whilst I have been driving for many years I am yet to purchase my very own set of wheels.
5. Meet up with old friends
Life always gets in the way and this year I want to make more of an effort to go out and visit friends.
6. Blog more
I always mean to get on here more yet I never seem to have the time. So this year I will be more organized and make time to blog.