I have always had problems with getting to sleep and staying asleep. I regularly go through patterns of sleepless nights and find myself tossing and turning getting frustrated that I can't sleep. In the past I have tried various tactics to help with getting to sleep. I have taken Kalms which are great and a more natural alternative than sleeping tablets however I find they are not a long term solution. I have also tried various bubble baths and bath bombs which are great but I always find by the time my head hits the pillow the affects are worn off.
I read about This Works Deep Calm Pillow spray so thought I would try it out. I spritzed a few drops on my pillow just before I was planning to go to sleep. The smell is luxurious with rich scents of lavender which personally I loved. Immediately I felt myself relax and I inhaled the scent. (You did not need to use a lot of this product so a little really does go a long way)
So did it work? Well yes and no. I felt it helped me relax and drift off easier however I do not think it improved my quality of sleep as I did still wake during the night, however did manage to fall asleep again pretty quickly.
I would definitely recommend you all to give it a go as I did feel some benefits and when it comes to sleep it really is a hit and miss situation. I got mine from boots and it is currently on offer!!
So go give it a try!

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