Smoothie Recipe

Due to having sore teeth and gums from wisdom teeth coming through (hate it). I am now on a soft/liquid diet as chewing gets painful. I am also trying to detox after university and be a little healthier. Therefore I have started making smoothies and here is my favorite one of the moment. 

My top three hair care products

1. Epsom Salts
So after reading the long list of benefits that Epsom salts can have I decided to purchase them and put them to the test. 

Quick introduction

So first comes the formal introduction. Well I'm Florence I am currently 22 years old (although still 18 in my head). I have recently graduated from the University of Lincoln where I got a 2:1 in my Marketing and PR degree.

So I first set up this blog a few years ago and then chickened out of posting anything. However now as I am halfway through my first summer post uni and find lots of free time on my hands now is the perfect time to get back into the blogging game.

I will be posting all about life post uni as I continue the job hunt (fingers crossed) and other things along the way. So I hope you like reading this blog.
