Back For Good

Hey this is just a quick post to let you all know after an unplanned break from blogging I have lots of new posts lined up for you all.

So it seems life has taken over with my graduation and finally landing a job have all kept me away from the world of blogging.

I have some wish lists posts and well as outfit posts lined up in the next few days.

So stay tuned...(cheese factor)

Big wide world

Being at University is like living in a bubble the big wide world is a scary concept, but whilst in your bubble it seems so far away. Three years at University went so quickly and before I knew it I was sitting my last exam. Whilst that last week was glorious and I loved every minute of freedom the big wide world was fast approaching. 

I have now been finished University since may and have endured months of scouting for that perfect first job or internship. After receiving several rejection emails (which can be very de motivating) I thought I would share a few tips on how to survive post University life. 

Smoothie Recipe

Due to having sore teeth and gums from wisdom teeth coming through (hate it). I am now on a soft/liquid diet as chewing gets painful. I am also trying to detox after university and be a little healthier. Therefore I have started making smoothies and here is my favorite one of the moment.